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Paño Fruits, a family business dedicated to agriculture. Since it was founded in 1987, we have had our own plant where we produce, pack and distribute all kinds of dried and dehydrated fruit.

Organic production. Since 2000, its agricultural purposes and facilities have been converted to organic agricultural production, certified by the CCPAE in accordance with European regulations. In addition, you will find other certifications and quality standards such as the I.F.S (International Featured Standard) or the B.R.C (British Retail Consortium).

Organic farming. It has been practised for more than a million years, so the way of cultivating food has accompanied mankind, practically, throughout history. It is from the aleshores, when chemical products, of synthesis (phytosanitaris) and in the food industry (additius), began to take hold in the cultivation of crops.

Humans have been living on earth for millions of years and during this time we have been in contact with, breathing and feeding ourselves with a series of food products that we assimilate without any problem. In contrast, foods obtained from conventional agriculture may contain trace amounts of synthetic chemicals used during production and processing. The metabolisation of these products in our country is not always known and raises questions that should not be mentioned.

Why organic farming?  The exploitation of natural resources to create an organic product is the only way to ensure that this remains natural and natural, regardless of new substances that may cause us certain ailments and allergies.

For sustainable agriculture. To meet the needs of the present generation without sacrificing or compromising the ability of future generations.

To promote fair trade. “Fair Trade”, which is an alternative way of eating promoted by non-governmental organisations and by social and political movements that promote a voluntary and fair commercial relationship between producers and consumers.

Own production. Paño Fruits has prosperous cultivation areas of which we can clearly highlight the hazelnut tree, but we also present the olive, the ametlla and the noguera. Pioneers in the development of a new variant of hazelnut tree, ARJA, adapted to new technologies, cost savings and higher productivity.

Paño Fruits is based in Alcover, Tarragona.